Why We Attend Nursing Conferences and Episode 216

Nursing Show Podcast show

Summary: The Nursing Show is a proud member of the ProMed Podcast Network (http://promednetwork.com/). Staying awake on night shift, preventing MRSA through cooperation, cheerleading injuries, and we're going to take a look at why we should be attending our nursing conferences. If that's what you're looking for, you found it. It's the Nursing Show. Subscribe to the Podcast MP3 Audio Version (http://mediccast.com/images/SubscribeItunes.png)iTunes (http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nursing-show-online-radio/id271728764#) | (http://mediccast.com/images/SubscribeZune.png)Zune (zune://subscribe/?Nursing%20Show=http://www.nursingshow.com/feed/podcast/) | (http://mediccast.com/images/SubscribeRSS.png)Podcast (http://www.nursingshow.com/feed/podcast/) —- Subscribe to the Podcast Studio Video Version (http://mediccast.com/images/SubscribeItunes.png)iTunes (http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=386460885#) | (http://mediccast.com/images/SubscribeZune.png)Zune (zune://subscribe/?Nursing%20Show=http://www.nursingshow.com/feed/studio_video/) | (http://mediccast.com/images/SubscribeRSS.png)Podcast (http://www.nursingshow.com/feed/studio_video/) — Welcome to the Show (http://www.nursingshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Med_Draw_sm.jpg)Good day and welcome to this week's episode of the Nursing Show. I'm your host Jamie Davis and I'd like to welcome all of you to this week's program we have a lot of good news items coming up for you in this particular episode including a look at preventing cheerleading injuries through some specific designations of it as a sport. We'll also be looking at hospitals cooperating to prevent MRSA in the region, and also a look at how we stay awake when we work night shift. As someone who used to work night shift, I can tell you that this is something that is near and dear to my heart. We'll take a look at that later on the news. Before we get into that I want to remind you to check out the Nursing Show webpage for additional resources and information about this episode. You can find all of that over at NursingShow.com (http://nursingshow.com). You'll find a shownotes link at the top of the page. Click that link and scroll down and find all of the episodes and information you might be looking for. I urge you to follow up on that so that you understand how what I talked about on the show applies directly to your scope of practice. If you want to get back in touch with me, send those e-mails into me here at NursingShow@gmail.com (mailto:nursingshow@gmail.com). I look forward to hearing from you all and I hope you'll keep sending those emails in with your comments, questions, or suggestions for future episodes. I respond back to every email that comes in so email me today. I will have some more contact information later on in this episode but before that, let's go and get ready for this week's news. News— Staying Awake on Night Shift (http://thenerdynurse.com/2012/10/7-tips-to-stay-awake-on-night-shift.html) Cooperating to Fight MRSA (http://news.nurse.com/article/20121015/NATIONAL01/310150016) Cheerleader Injuries and Sports Designation (http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2012/10/22/163408123/as-cheerleading-injuries-rise-doctors-call-for-stricter-safety-rules) ———————————– Tip of the Week - Attending Nurse Conferences Time for this week's tip of the week. We're going to reengage with a previous interview I posted here about a year and a half or two years ago from back in early 2011. I interviewed nurse Anne Robinson. She's a public health nurse and a nurse consultant and and is actively engaged in attending conferences, providing resources and training and education at conferences. I got an opportunity at the AACN conference back in 2011 to sit down with than Anne and ask her specifically why nurses and other health professionals should focus on getting to their professional conferences. Whatever your nursing specialty,