Podcast-11- The Nature Of Government

The Revolution Is You show

Summary: The Nature Of Government Since the inception of the government of men it's nature has always been essentially evil. Our founders understood this and developed a comprehensive system of limited governance, of enumerated powers based upon the lessons of history. A history of tyrannical empires and despotic dictatorships scattered throughout the generations of man. Governments based upon the Luciferian  ideal of man becoming a god. Ancient Egypt declared pharaoh a god. Ancient rome claimed it's emperors as god-men.  Kings of the dark to middle ages declared their rule by theft and Divine right. The post-industrialist philosopher Neitzche claimed their to be in our modern times a master class and a slave class. Just as today we see an elite globalist class trying to rule by a fiat entitlement based upon their own worldview of eugenics. They that believe they are more highly evolved than the general public. The same class of people who infiltrated public education with the one-sided curriculum of evolution. Implementing an overall dumbing down of our education models. Removing the time-tested teaching of critical thinking and logic. Brain washing young malleable minds that they are mere animals and as animals slaves to those who are more "highly evolved". When the truth is that each individual has potential and uniqueness to master their own destinies and pursuits of happiness. That without obstruction or enablememt- out of the fire comes purity and the dross is left behind. For our children are made in the image of their Creator. Having an innate ability to create-a inborn nature that should be nurtured. To empower all of humanity. Instead these same elitists teach our youth that they are mere animals and as such have no rights, but one- to merely survive. And with such a philosophical worldview they strip away morals from our society, the Sovereignty of G-d and with that the sovereignty of man. For man without his rights is a society without morals. A society without morals is a society of absolute corruption. The very nature of unfettered government  is corruption. For a government has no soul, it has no ability to reason and has absolutely no morals. It will always try to cheat. It will always try to steal. It will always try to enslave men. Government must be shackled to the constitution and always limited by it's sovereign and free citizens. You the people of The United States are it's power. You are it's master. Exercise your right to rule freely. Stand up to injustice! Stand up to the great deception and reclaim your heritage for posterity! Read the bill of rights- the first ten amendments to the constitution. Memorize them, understand them and internalize them. Be the push back- be the blow back. Each and everyone of us resisting together is strength. We are governed by consent, not by dictation or coercion. We have been born free men. We have inherited liberty from our forbearers. What makes our day and age unique is the overall increase of ability and power of the people to connect and collaborate or the government to police and strong arm the masses. Today, this pivotal moment in history is a crossroads for humanity. It us up to you to decide to rule or to be ruled over. We have the opportunity today to resist tyranny through mass collaboration and small scale localism. Through the power of connectivity via the Internet and any other creative forms of communication to organize. This is called wiki-power. SOPA pipa Acta On the other hand governments have the opportunity to increase their size and oppression to a global scale. A evil that mankind cannot even imagine. And they are pushing for this. It is the pinnacle of man's greatest sin. A despotism of titanic proportions. You must Resist! The Revolution Is You!