Kingdom Family: Abram, Covenant & Faith (The 5:15)

Grace-Snellville | A Grace Fellowship Church » Sermons show

Summary: What is faith? God’s challenge to Abraham is massive and even impossible, “Look up into the sky and count the stars if you can. That’s how many descendants you will have!” Abraham, looking into the sky, reasonably asked, “How can I know?” Today, Jews, Christians, and Muslims call Abraham their “father.” That’s more than half the world’s population who base their faith in the “Faith of Abraham.” Yet very few would say there is consensus among these billions of people about what, exactly, the “Faith of Abraham” is. In the Bible, however, we learn that Abraham’s faith is at the very foundation of what it means to be right with God. Romans, Galatians, Hebrews, James and Jesus all point back to Abraham as the “Father of Faith.” We are going to dig into the roots of Abraham’s faith and ask a few questions: What is faith? Why does it matter? How can I know my faith is rooted rightly? In the next few days, spend some time looking up into that night sky, do some counting, and also look in to the Scriptures and ask God, “Is my faith the same as that of Abraham?” Downloads