Are you ready to LOVE your Body and Release Weight without Dieting?

Mission Unstoppable show

Summary: No one who looks at Elizabeth 'Lily' Hills would ever think she struggled with her weight, but she did. In fact like so many women who are highly intelligent and beautiful she ate to soothe her soul. Lily ate Compusively to cover up her emotions. Join the Unstoppable Frankie Picasso for another Mission Unstoppable Dec.8th when Lily Hills, author of The Body Love Manual joins me and we talk about her approach to losing weight without dieting. The Body Love Manual includes everything she knows about developing a healthier relationship with your body and releasing excess weight...without dieting, popping pills, measuring portions, calorie counting or denying yourself any of your favorite foods (yeah!). In her book Lily shares how to “Eat in Alliance” with your body, how to partner with it and allow it to lead you to your natural and ideal weight. Say's Lily "If you follow the guidelines in this book it won’t be a question of “if” you will return to your natural, healthy and ideal weight, rather it will be a question of “when.” !