Why Don’t You Understand?

Stay Happily Married show

Summary: Do you feel like the ways you and your partner think just don't match up? Does it feel like it might be impossible to really understand each other? Susie Leonard Weller, author of Why Don't You Understand?: Improve Family Communication with the 4 Thinking Styles joins us to explain how we can improve our communication through understanding these different thinking styles. Susie is a certified Thinking Styles Consultant and a life and spiritual coach who also teaches parenting and family management at the Community Colleges of Spokane. Her website is SusieWeller.com, and her book can be purchased there or from Parenting Press or Amazon. If you order it from her website, as a special offer, she'll send you an autographed copy and pay for shipping expenses herself. Additionally, Susie would like to offer a free resource with 30 tips on stress management. You can contact her by email at sweller@att.net or by phone at  (509) 255-6676 and she'll send you a copy.