Episode 2 “Unleash Your Inner Jedi with Steven Barnes” or “Clones are People Too” of your Star Wars Book Report

Star Wars Book Report show

Summary: In this episode, the award winning author of The Cestus Deception Mr. Steven Barnes drops by to share with us his thougths on writing in the Star Wars Universe.  We discus such topics as: Why is Count Dooku on the cover?  Who was more fun to write Obi-Wan Kenobi or Kit Fisto?  Why is Anakin absent? among other topics.  Mr. Barnes also share a little about his work as a life coach, and you can find more information about his life coaching at www.diamondhour.com I also will revise my review of The Cestus Deception, posted earlier, in light of Mr. Barnes comments. Finally, I want you to join me on the podcast though your e-mail and phone calls.  Write me an tell me about what you are reading at jesse@starwarsbookreport.com or call the show and leave a message at 706-760-5782 for future use on :The Podcast. Enjoy the ride, and thank you for listening to your Star Wars Book Report: The Podcast.