Unknown Paranormal Radio: Chris Maggard - May 21,2012

Unknown Radio Network | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Summary: Join Jeffrey Stirl and Martin Bravo for a discussion of the paranormal, the spiritual, the unknown, and the unexplained. This week, our guest is Chris Maggard. Chris has been involved with the studies and research of the Supernatural/Paranormal Since 1980. After witnessing the dramatic, Unknown, Supernatural, Paranormal attacks on his sister and family, he began to pick up any book that could help him understand why this happened at the age of twelve. Years went by as he continued his studies and began to conduct small Investigations of locations that claimed to be haunted in Southern California. As the years went by and his studies and Investigations continued, he finally moved to Northern Kentucky in 2004 where he found myself needing to form a team to help him cover the amazing locations in the Tri-State Area. He has appeared on Ghost Adventures with two episodes “The Kentucky Slave House” and “Winchester Mystery Mansion” as well as “My Ghost Story Bobby Mackey's”. He is very upfront with his Investigations and studies in the paranormal, supernatural, Photography, videography. He strongly believes we don't have any idea what we are dealing with exactly and maybe never will. But with his experiences that he has witnessed and the dangers that come with them, he wants to share and help bring this field of research with the upmost honesty, realism, respect and truth to the community the best that he can with others. TSP now has their own TV Show “The Search: Existence Unknown”. You can find the show on the Paranormal Reality Channel with ROKU TV. Join us LIVE!