Basket Of Thoughts - First Show - Nov 29

Basket of Thoughts - a personal podcast of everyday life and hobbies show

Summary: Download/Listen Here - Introduction to me. Personal website at - cleft lip and palate, Cleft Club Radio (my first podcast) - classic comedy (Smothers Brothers, Charlie Chaplin, and other greats). I run Comedy Classics Forums at - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and the other HP movies - books; Jerry Lewis' "Dean and Me: A Love Story" - large print and lazy eye, reading street signs - Sherlock Holmes (favorite actors Basil Rathbone and Jeremy Brett) and Watson (favorite Watsons David Burke and Edward Hardwicke) - new Titanic DVD 3 disc set - a girl gamer! historical games like Call of Duty, Battlefield 1942, Medal of Honor - favorite music, 80s, jazz, movie soundtracks, classical - back to games; Civilization, Sim City, and the Sims series; Sierra's Caesar, Zeus, Pharaoh, and Emperor; classic Sierra games, such as the Robin Hood themed Conquest of the Longbow and my review (under Calvero), Cyberflix's Titanic Adventure Out of Time - liberal Christian and the United Church of Christ, CS Lewis theology books (Mere Christianity, Screwtape Letters, A Grief Observed) - studying to get my ham amateur radio license - Doctow Who (British sci-fi tv show) - The Beatles! Paul's new solo album "Chaos and Creation in the Backyard" and "All the Best!", 25th anniversary of John Lennon's death, alternative "what if" history - some other liberal stuff like Michael Moore, Al Franken, voting for the first time, and the political leanings of Charlie Chaplin and the Smothers Brothers - Chaplin movie recommendations: Modern Times for a silent, Great Dictator for a talkie; other classic silent screen comedians and lesser knowns; Laurel and Hardy fan club tents in Daytona and Orlando - more on games, Call of Duty, Star Wars Battlefront (Mos Eisley, Battle of Endor) - Original Star Wars Trilogy vs. the Special Edition (1 and 2) - finding the right theme music and title for podcast show; play "Warmth in a Sunny Day" by Andre Rönnbäck. Listen to more by Andre and other indie musicians - Title for show decided! "Basket of Thoughts" My Odeo Channel (odeo/0021b6bdbae22c63)