Google Plus Bootcamp Episode 1 Take good care of your circles

Google Plus Bootcamp show

Summary: This is the Google Plus Boot Camp Episode 1! Hello and welcome to the first episode of the Google Plus Boot Camp! Why should you listen to this? Because we will explain things fast and save you time to spend with friends and family instead. Hi, my name is Raymond Bauer and my topic is customer acquisition and retention. I am from good old Germany, so please forgive me my mistakes. If you have a Google Mail-Account you will notice a big arrow one of these days, pointing to a Plus followed by your name. This will be the day, when you ask yourself: What the hell am I going to do with this? Level1: The circles If you find a person on Google Plus, you can add it to a group that is called a circle. If your Google Mail account is not brand new, you will see a lot of mail addresses, that you can add to circles. Maybe you have sent mails to a lot of people. You will find all these people . Your first task is to sort them If you have an aunt Ida that is a plague in your address list, you have to face the question: Am I going to add them to relatives or should I create a new circle called plague? Well, it depends on what you are going to do with your circles. I would guess you have a bunch of folks that you are not going to contact. So obviously I would create a circle for those blacklisted people. It is also possible to add people to more than one circle. You should be aware of the way, you are going to use this circles in the future. I would suggest to add each person to only one circle! The problem: Imagine, you want to quit your job and found your own business. You have a former colleague that could be a potential customer! It is likely, that he might have some of your current colleagues in his circles. I you are going to add this guy to the circle customers your current colleagues might get posts, that you never wanted them to read! The solution: You can see the contacts of every person in the profile. Click on his or her name and take the time to check his contacts to prevent unwanted surprise. You really don't want your Boss to tell you : "Congratulations, I have read your post yesterday and I just wanted to tell you : You will never work in this town again!" So do the next step now and come back for more!