Google Plus Boot Camp episode 5 – add friends or customers to do them a favour!

Google Plus Bootcamp show

Summary: This is the Google Plus Boot Camp Episode 5! Hello and welcome to the fifth  episode of the Google Plus Boot Camp! Why should you listen to this? Because we will explain things fast and save you time to spend with friends and family instead. Hi, my name is Raymond Bauer and my topic is customer acquisition and retention. I am from good old Germany, so please forgive me my mistakes. Our topic today: Invite your customers, because they will be amazed what Google is offering for free! Right now Google Plus is still brand new. Many people might have heard about it, but we all now, it is going to take some time, until people react. So obviously you still have the chance to do them a favour. To invite somebody you can use the invite-friends-button inside of Google Plus. The Invitation can also be sent to adresses outside Google. Your customer or friend will immediatly get a Gmail. Topic : Forname Surename invited you to join him on Google+ Google+ makes sharing on the web more like sharing in real life. The mail will also contain your photo from your amazing profile you have already set up ( If you have missed that part, go to the former episodes first!) some pictures to explain what circles, Hangouts and the Google+ app are all about and, of course the Join Google+ Button. In the early days when this is recorded you can still find people that sell invitations! The invited person might be happy that you offer to join the network for free... He will click on the Join Google+ button and that will redirect him to a site, where he can set up a brand new Google account for G+ for free! It is no exaggeration to say, that you can do almost everything you will ever need to found a basic online business with this account. So if you don't have one, now is the time to assert your claim. I was to slow. My name was already taken. My Company brand already ocupied. Be sure, not to wait until this happens to you or your friends! To set up the account you or your invited contact will have to fill out some basic information like name, date of birth, password and desired username. It is all very straight and easy to handle. You will also need a telephone number to receive a confirmation-code. That is the point, where some people might be frightened. My personal considered opinion is, that Google is in the focus of everybody and they will never sell your data for a quick buck. They have to much to lose. Use a prepaid card, if you are afraid. Five minutes later the account is ready and approved. It contains enough space for over 20000 emails, an online office and dozens of usefull services. The best service right now is Google Plus. You can use it also for customer acquisition, but this is the topic of the next episode. Your task for todayd: Invite some people to get your network started right now! So do the next step now and come back for more! Bye!