Post Punk Radio No. 5

Post Punk Radio show

Summary: Palais Schaumburg After a recent trip to Berlin, I decided that today’s podcast would focus on the Neue Deutsche Welle, which essentially is the New German Wave. The term was first coined in 1979 by journalist Alfred Hilsberg, who wrote for Sounds and would later start one of the movement’s premier record labels, ZickZack. The movement started with a number of underground bands from Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover and Hagen playing music influenced by the British punk & new wave. As the bands developed they would quickly form a sound all their own and release some of the coolest indie records of the time. But, sadly the major label’s eventually came in and ruined the movement by signing up some of the top groups and making them “one-hit wonders.” By 1983, the NDW had virtually come to an end. The NDW can still be heard today as an influence on dance-punk and electro-rock. POST PUNK RADIO NO. 5 PLAYLIST: Kosmonautentraum - “Du bist nicht gut” Abwärts - “Computerstaat” Geisterfahrer - “Himmel Auf Erden” Fehlfarben - “Das War Vor Jahren” Malaria! - “Your Turn To Run” S.Y.P.H. - “Lachleute und Nettmenschen” Mittagspause - “Innenstadtfront” Einstürzende Neubauten - “Zuckendes Fleisch” Palais Schaumburg - “Telefon” Matthias Schuster - “Schlaglichter” D.A.F. -“Rote Lippen” E.M.A.K. - “Filmmusik” DOWNLOAD SUBSCRIBE on iTUNES LIKE PPR on FACEBOOK