What Do YOU Want To Know About Occurring?

The Lefkoe Institute show

Summary: (http://www.mortylefkoe.com/wp-content/uploads/marty_lefkoe_headshots_053_2-01_edit_21-150x150.jpg)I have a question to ask you but before I ask, I’d like to give you some background.   First, you, along with tens of thousands of others who have used The Lefkoe Method, have sent me many hundreds of testimonials about the incredible results you’ve gotten from eliminating one of the common beliefs on the free program, from one of our DVD or streaming video programs, or from one-on-one sessions.  Thanks for taking the time to do that.  We at Lefkoe Institute are inspired each day by your messages. (http://www.mortylefkoe.com/wp-content/uploads/bigstock_Oak_Tree_Beauty_2755748-300x300.jpg)But some of the most profound testimonials we’ve received have come from people who’ve taken one of the four courses we’ve offered on how to dissolve your occurrings.  If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you’ve read one of my posts about how the single most powerful thing you can do to improve the quality of your life is to learn how to dissolve your occurrings. If you don’t know much about it, check out this short (12 minute) video that will explain it in detail. http://occurringcourse.com/occurring-works/ (http://occurringcourse.com/occurring-works/) Essentially, you and I give meaning to events as they happen (which is how they “occur” for us) and don’t realize that there is a difference between the actual events and the occurring.  For example, our spouse asks us: Did you do so-and-so for me?  That is the actual event, in other words, what actually happened.  For many of us, however, it would occur as either: He/she doesn’t trust me to do what he/she has asked.  Or, why won’t he/she get off my back and leave me alone!  Or, why should I do it; why doesn’t he/she do it him/herself?  Etc. And because we don’t distinguish between reality and our occurrings, we assume that our occurrings are reality and we respond as if they are. I’ve learned so much during the past four courses about why we have occurrings, how to distinguish between them and reality, four different techniques to dissolve them quickly and easily, why it is more difficult to dissolve them when you have strong emotions, how to be able to do that when in the grip of strong emotions, why the testimonials from people in the occurring courses seem to be more profound than people who’ve only eliminated beliefs, etc. Please tell me what you would like to know about occurring? I’ll either write a blog post or make a short video that answers the most commonly asked questions. P.S.  Thanks to the 80+ people who commented on my last blog post.  Thanks for taking the time to provide a thoughtful response and for your suggestions.  We are looking into how to implement some of the most popular recommendations.  We will definitely offer a training in the next few months to teach you how to eliminate a belief once you’ve identified it. If you haven’t yet eliminated at least one of your limiting self-esteem beliefs using the Lefkoe Belief Process, go to http://www.recreateyourlife.com/free (http://www.recreateyourlife.com/free ) where you can eliminate one negative belief free. For information about eliminating 23 of the most common limiting beliefs and conditionings, which cause eight of the most common problems in our lives, please checkout: http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence (http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence). These weekly blog posts also exist as podcasts.  Sign up for the RSS feed or at iTunes to get the podcasts sent to you weekly. copyright © 2011 Morty Lefkoe