Maine Ghost Hunters - Paranormal Fraud - Laura Cartwright

Maine Ghost Hunters Radio show

Summary: The subject is "Fraud in Paranormal" and it simply isn't addressed in the sobering light many in paranormal could benefit.  MGH draws a clear line between the "drama" in Paranormal, and the very real threats facing us all, by predators in the field.  It's a harsh reality, but these concerning experiences peer groups from across the country have been subjected to are as real as the people who victimized them. Having had significantly concerning experiences with an individual who is still active within the field of paranormal, MGH presents a series which delves into the matter  of "Fraud in Paranormal" on a serious and educational level, with the hopes of reaching audiences far and wide.  The problem isn't just on someone else's team, or in someone else's network of peers and friends within paranormal communities.  As was discovered by Maine Ghost Hunters, it could very well be within your circle of "trusted" peers - especially if you're in New England.   Venture into the true dark side of the unregulated free-for-all that is "paranormal".  Where convicted criminals with *extensive* criminal histories can reinvent themselves in new cities/states, with new and various aliases, and with a brand new group of "paranormal" peers without fear of prejudice, persecution, or being discovered - because there is no recourse either way.  Learn about victims who weren't the first, and won't be the last, as their stories of predation by lifelong criminals are told and examined. Maine Ghost Hunters breaks through the Fear Cage of accusations, sometimes called  "drama within paranormal", and digs into the core of what really matters:  Communicating the issue - Fraud in Paranormal is real, it's serious, and it needs to be addressed.