Damage Done with Pat Fitzhugh


Summary: A special dark discussions roundtable into the current state of the paranormal field. With it spiraling into an uncontrollable level, is there any way to reverse the damage that has already been done? With the grass roots approach all but disappeared and groups and individuals lacking in real knowledge on just how to conduct real research or legitimately knowing the first thing about investigating anything let alone the paranormal. Where, the first educational tool is a TV show being there first item on their resume. We will tackle all these and more with leaving our lines open for questions, comments and suggestions on just what we can do to help getting things back on track. Our special panelists for this are as follows... Pat Fitzhugh - An author and investigative researcher of the paranormal for over 30 years. Pat has written several books on one of the most well known haunting cases in the US, The Bell Witch. For more on Pat visit his website www.bellwitch.org/ ***Open lines throughout the show for those of you who are concerned with the state of all apsects of the paranormal field and more!