February 15, 2024: STEEL TOE Morning Show is DESPERATE! Chad Zumock Is An ALCOHOLIC FAILURE!


Summary: <br> Patrick is back from Atlantic City and he’s ready to do a data dump from the weekend. This show should be a constant flow of thoughts and memories from AC, as well as an attempt to catch up with some of the insane occurrences we may have missed. Chad is fully off the wagon after a weekend of truth smacking him across his fat chins. Not only did Chad fail at putting on a good comedy show, he came face to face with his lack of support and fans. After being rejected from the NYC comedy scene after just one day without meeting any of his heroes to stick it to his haters. Steel Toe Morning Show keeps tanking and is now desperate to do anything for superheats. They want back in the Dabbleverse worse than anything, and they’re chasing Chad Zumock to make it happen. Mooby has even sunk to the low of allowing his wife to strip on stream next to him, but the superheats are NOT flowing.<br>