Philip Marlowe – The Rustin Hickory. ep49, 490910

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A sultry wind blows the petty and murderous news headlines across philip’s desk. A phone call from a school teacher, joan Rustin seems to be the breath of fresh air that marlowe needs. instead of a prim woman with horn rimmed glasses, marlowe finds a dame, but her report of the murder she was witness to is what marlowe needs to act as her protector. Working with the cops, the details match with the story that marlowe has heard. Will it be possible to keep his school teacher client’s name out of the matter? With a few points to clarify, marlowe soon finds himself in the middle of a tangled mess, and the recipient of a thump on the head. <br> Who is the man who tried to rough up joan? Toban is the key suspect the police are after, and though he isn’t doing his case any favors, wants philip to help him out. hollywood starlets, jilted lovers, and jealousy that blows up into murderous tempers. marlowe manages to get to the answers pretty quickly. <br> With his client, and school teacher witness, the bad guys get what’s coming to them. in exposing the details to the cops, the plans are foiled by what else… a hickory stick? philip sees his client off to return home, and with the story of a lifetime to tell about her vacation adventers. <br>