Let George Do It – The Payoff is Murder. ep117, 490117

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: If it’s touch and go with trouble, and you want a way out, write to George Valentine. <br> The latest to let George do it is a letter from a woman who is involved in a racket. She’s a former chorus girl who got involved with a boxer who layed on promises of mink coats. Can George help Johnny the boxer get off the hook with the racketeers? Johnny is an aging boxer, and this next fight is to be his last. The mob wants him to take a dive. Other boxers who have crossed the mob have ended up dead. <br> George takes the job as the manager of the boxer, and breaks the news to the racketeer that all ties are to be cut off with the boxer. Get ready George, here comes trouble. <br> To fight back, George visits a former fighter who has landed in the sanitarium after crossing the racket. George gets the inside scoop on how the racket works. The punch drunk boxer doesn’t paint a pretty picture for George. This job will be tougher than he expected. What kind of win win situation does the racketeers have that makes it appear to be such a losing job? <br> If George’s man wins, he faces the risk of death from the mob. Johnny may well end up losing his match to the much younger boxer anyway. Knowing the details, will the boxer’s wife back down? <br> There is a way out and George springs a set up of his own to get the leverage he needs to give the bad guys an attitude adjustment. With the best training George can manage, and armed with advice from the punch drunk boxer, Johnny gives it all he has in his last fight before he retires. <br> Listen in to the ring side drama. Will Johnny beat the much younger opponent? If he does, will the mob crush him? Will George’s plan actually stop the gangsters in their tracks? Facing down the mobsters, George gets it all done, and for anyone who still needs an explanation, there’s a nice epilog and a happy ending. <br>