NA Offseason 2021: Does spending really affect success? Are SUPERTEAMS worth? feat. LS | HLL 196

Hotline League show

Summary: <p>00:00:00 SUPER SHORT Intro</p> <p>00:06:00 JKJuicyKim wants to talk TL's offseason superteam</p> <p>00:18:10 Alienware break!</p> <p>00:19:40 LCS Wooloo believes TSM, C9 and 100T should go all-out with spending in preparation for NA Worlds</p> <p>00:30:42 TheDog says 2021 Worlds has been the best yet</p> <p>00:46:25 C9 Blaine thinks this is the WORST LCS offseason</p> <p>01:00:30 Kaper thinks TL is making a mistake replacing Jensen with Bjergsen</p> <p>01:16:54 Bluefrost isn't convinced Arcane's success will have any impact in the NA competitive scene</p> <p>01:31:05 Vexed Shinobi's take: teams are avoiding heavy spending because NA LoL fandom is relatively small in the esports world</p> <p>01:48:55 Outro</p>