Crossroads welcomes Special Guest- Beth O'Brien

The RIFT Radio Podcast Network show

Summary: Beth saw her first spirit when she was 4 years old and despite her family insisting that it wasn't real, she knew what she was seeing was real.  She has been sensitive her whole life and able to see and hear spirits that are willing to communicate with her.  As an adult, Beth found a Mentor who guided and helped her to develop her gifts further and pay it forward. She stepped away from her job as a Medical Assistant to use her gifts Full Time to help others to heal.  Beth is a Psychic/Medium as well as a Reiki Master, an Ordained Minister and also used her skills as a Paranormal Investigator.  This helps people to better understand the activity taking place in their homes and businesses. She recently became certified in hypnosis to further help people find peace and healing by delving into their subconscious mind to find the source of anxiety and depression as well as with the cessation of smoking, to help with weight loss and other variety of bad habits.  It also helps with loss memory and past life regressions.