Haunted Tales From The Old Rocking Chair with Sheri Lynn and special guest!

The RIFT Radio Podcast Network show

Summary: Come join Sheri Lynn at the Haunted Tales from the Old Rocking Chair with special guest Michelle L. Hamilton. Ms.Hamilton earned her MA in history from San Diego State University. She is the author or editor of several books including "I Would Still Be Drowned in Tears" : Spiritualism in Abraham Lincoln's White House and "Mary Ball Washington: The Mother of George Washington". She has published several articles in The Morbid and Curious and The Feminine Macabre. Her latest books Civil War Ghosts and Haunted Land are published by The Haunted Road Media. Ms. Hamilton is a lifelong student of history and has worked as a docent at several museums across the country. She is currently the Manager of the Mary Washington House in Fredericksburg, VA. You can follow her at her blog Paranormal History at https://paranormalhist.blogspot.com Pull up a chair and prepare to hear some fascinating stories and remember to feel free to call in and speak with Ms. Hamilton by calling in at 1-323-870-3877 and press one on your phone to come on air.