How She Really Does It show

Summary: “Get out of your way.” That’s what Pamela Slim told me at one point when I was starting my business. I did not know I was in my own way but ohhh she was so right! Once I got out of my way, I was able to build my business and really create the way I want to help people. Pamela Slim is a seasoned business coach, author, and professional speaker who helps frustrated employees in corporate jobs break out and start their own business.  Her blog, Escape from Cubicle Nation, is one of the top career and marketing blogs on the web.  A former corporate manager and entrepreneur herself for more than a decade, she deeply understands the concerns faced by first-time entrepreneurs. Her experience teaching martial arts for 10 years to thousands of students has helped her clients deal with fear head-on. Her book Escape from Cubicle Nation: From Corporate Prisoner to Thriving Entrepreneur was named Best Small Business/Entrepreneur Book of 2009 by 800CEORead. Pam is here to talk about how entrepreneurs get in their own way and ways for them to get out of their way and build their business. Ways in which entrepreneurs get in their own way. What are your top three wishes you could inject into every would-be entrepreneurs brain? Stories of clients who were in their way and removed road blocks and built their business. Two takeaways – two things listeners can do to get out of their way. Here’s what Pam said about the interview. Connect with Pam website twitter facebook book