Ways to Achieve Equilibrium To Optimize Your Well-being

The AutoImmune Hour show

Summary: Ways to Achieve Equilibrium To Optimize Your Well-being<br><br>Aired Friday, June 25, 2021 at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST<br><br>All too often, thoughts, emotions, self-judgments, anxieties, worries, or even the actions of others can knock us off-balance and create stress and strife. All are well-known for creating turmoil, raising our physical stress responses, and in turn playing havoc with our well-being.<br><br>Author Michael Goddart joins us to talk about his new book: ‘A New Now: Your Guide to Mastering Wisdom Daily, Achieving Equilibrium, and Empowering Your Nobler Self.’ He shares with us his journey in overcoming ill health and ways to<br>• Return to equilibrium if you are feeling mentally besieged<br>• Discover your purpose and create joy regardless of your diagnosis<br>• Allow ‘things’ to arrive on their own time<br>• Know the difference between your mind and your higher<br>• Tap into that reservoir of awareness that provides greater wisdom, clarity, peace of mind, enhanced intuition, positive and purposeful living, and meaningful engagement in the world without struggle and more.<br><br>Michael Goddart has been a seeker of wisdom from the age of 10. Meditating since his teens and for more than two hours a day, starting at 21, Goddart has also been heightening his sense of knowing and accessing his soul consciousness for over three decades. The winner of four book awards for his book ‘In Search of Lost Lives,’ his new book ‘A New Now’ brings forth a pathway to infinite awareness and sustainable equilibrium accessible and practical for anyone.<br><br>Learn more at <a href="https://www.goddart.com/" rel="noopener">https://www.goddart.com/</a><br><br>The information provided on UnderstandingAutoimmune.com, Life InterruptedRadio.com, and The Autoimmune Hour is for educational purposes only.<br><br>Visit the Autoimmune Hour show page <a href="https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/autoimmune-hour/" rel="noopener">https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/autoimmune-hour/</a><br><br><br> <br>Connect with Sharon Sayler at <a href="http://lifeinterruptedradio.com/" rel="noopener">http://lifeinterruptedradio.com/</a><br><br>#MichaelGoddart #SharonSayler #AutoImmuneHour