Glow From Within show

Summary: Episode Links: MRT Food Sensitivity Testing: www.paypal.me/harmonypattonfdnp/222 Soul Gazing Session: www.etherealbeingswellness.com/soul-gazing Mastermind: www.etherealbeingswellness.com/activate-mastermind MAY Free Challenge: www.etheralbeingswellness.com/the-challenge Instagram: www.instagram.com/etherealbeingswellness Facebook: www.facebook.com/etherealbeingswellness Website: www.etherealbeingswellness.com IN life we often make ourselves wrong for just being ourselves. We beat ourselves up trying to fit in. But what if we instead chose to try understanding ourselves more deeply. Asking ourselves WHY. From understanding we create space for forgiveness and releasing the blame we carry around for not being "enough" according to someone elses standards. When we begin to UNDERSTAND why our bodies, minds, and souls do what they do we suddenly see why it's felt so hard. From there we can forgive, accept, and love. But as long as you don't look to understand but instead just deamonize and work against yourself for being who you are - love and forgiveness is virtually impossible. What if your understanding was the KEY to it all? If you'd like to understand your SOUL and all that's happening beneath the surface of your life experience more deeply then check out a Soul Gazing session linked above. They condense down months of work into a 90 minute session. And they are magical for deep self understanding like you've never experienced before. Hit that subscribe button and be sure to share this episode! That's how this podcast grows and reaches more people. And more people need this message and this energy. Be the one to share it. Love you. You're a star. xoxo Harmony