It’s only March and we’re exhausted already…wasn’t 2021 supposed to be different?

Enterprise Podcast Network show

Summary: <br> Bronwen Sciortino, an International Author and Simplicity Expert who spent almost two decades as an award-winning executive before experiencing a life changing event that forced her to stop and ask the question ‘What if there’s a better way to live?’ again joins <a href="">Enterprise Fit Radio</a>.<br> Listen to host <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Eric Dye</a> &amp; guest <a href="">Bronwen Sciortino</a> discuss the following:<br> <br> * Most of us spent most of last year begging the 1st of January 2021 to hurry up and arrive so we could put the horrors of 2020 behind us. But now 2021 is here, and we’re not seeing too much difference in every day life. Why is it we put so much emphasis on a new year to make things better in our lives?<br> * Life seems to change very quickly now and the impact of those changes gets bigger and bigger. We’re under so much stress and have so much more expected of us. Is there a turning point on the horizon when as a society we say ‘no more’ and start to push back on the level of stress we accept as normal?<br> * We hear the words ‘stress’ and ‘burnout’ and we know that we’re impacted personally, and we know that we have to do something differently or we’re going to pay the price, but we put it off till later … what’s stopping us from making changes in our lives?<br> * What’s the true impact of leaving our health and wellbeing on the back burner?<br> * Is there a way to do things differently that doesn’t involve throwing everything out and completely starting again?<br> * How can we make 2021 different from all the years that have gone before?<br> <br> <br> Bronwen Sciortino is an International Author and <a href="">Simplicity Expert</a> who spent almost two decades as an award-winning executive before experiencing a life changing event that forced her to stop and ask the question ‘What if there’s a better way to live?’<br> Embarking on a journey to answer this question, Bronwen developed a whole new way of living – one that teaches you to challenge the status quo and include the power of questions in everyday life.<br> Gaining international critical acclaim and 5-star awards for her books, Bronwen spends every day teaching people that there is an easy, practical and simple pathway to creating a healthy, happy AND highly successful life.<br> Sourced globally for media comment as an expert and working with corporate programs, conference platforms, retreats, professional mentoring and in the online environment, Bronwen teaches people how easy it is to live life very differently.<br> <br> Website: <a href=""></a><br> Free eMail Series: <a href=""></a><br> Social Media Links:<br> Facebook: <a href=""></a><br> Instagram: <a href=""></a><br> <br> People also listened to this: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">What will it take for you to seriously look at your health?</a><br>