Woman Awake Episode 076 - What is EFT, Shadow Work and Inner Child Healing?

Woman Awake - The Soul-led Journey of Awakening Through Womandhood and Motherhood show

Summary: In this episode I take you through, in depth, what Emotional Freedom Technique is. I share: + What EFT is + Meridian and Acupressure + How EFT is Western Psychology merging with Eastern Philosophy + What we can use EFT for. + Why it's such a powerful Energy Medicine tool for healing + Examples of healings and shifts using EFT + Testimonial from a recent client and the HUGE manifestation she's experienced + What is Shadow work and Inner Child healing and why it's so important + Different ways you can connect with and work with me. 1. Get your ticket to my live event - 14th March! INNER ALCHEMY - A transformational journey to free your mind, feel your body, feed your soul and hear your heart. www.eventbrite.com.au/e/monthly-brea…s-138576607363 2. Enquire about my Somatic Life Coaching sessions and programs - A private healing sessions to sweep through, clear out, realign and find your centre. Using breathwork, EFT, meditation and Somatic Coaching, these powerful and profound sessions are designed for a quick tune-up. Email: claire@claireobeid.com 3) Self Pace EFT Masterclass - The Alchemy of Emotional Freedom EFT A mini self-paced course to teach you how to alchemise your emotions and experience freedom from what holds you back through the simple and powerful practice of EFT. claireobeid.com/the-alchemy-of-em…-eft-masterclass/