Episode 105: Dr. Will Cole – Leading Functional Medicine Expert and Bestselling Author of Ketotarian

Habits and Hustle show

Summary: Dr. Will Cole is a Leading Functional Medicine Expert and Bestselling Author of “Ketotarian.” A wealth of functional health and wellness information Dr. Cole dispels the unease of many of the seemingly newest “hacks” and “fads.” Attempting to shed light on how terms and routines like “fasting” or “intuitive eating” can be so easily misconstrued while also validating them and giving the background and steps to pursue a healthier mental and physical state through them, Dr. Cole keeps the community accountable for misinformation and under-information. Jen and Dr. Cole talk about his work relationship with Gwenyth Paltrow and Goop, why he thinks physical and mental health cannot be separated, how your gut is your second brain, and so much more. If you’re looking for someone to cut through the fads and explain true, proper health, or you are looking for a health professional to finally speak plainly and give concrete steps and reasons for why things work or don’t, look no further.Youtube Link to This EpisodeDr. Will Cole’s WebsiteDr. Will Cole's Instagram