Ep 46: What To Do When He Works Too Much

WifeSavers Podcast show

Summary: <p>Working excessively for a brief or limited period of time may occasionally be necessary, but if it’s one spouse’s defacto year after year, divorce, infidelity, or a health crisis is practically inevitable.</p> <p>In this episode of the WifeSavers Podcast, <em>What To Do When He Works Too Much,</em> multi-award-winning marriage author and educator, Ramona Zabriskie, and her husband of 43+ years, Dale, discuss what to do when one spouse is spending so much time on work, the other feels undesirable, neglected, or resentful.</p> <p><strong>THROW ME A WIFESAVER: </strong>“Basically, my husband works too hard. We’ve talked about it many times, but whenever he agrees to try and make things better, it doesn’t last more than a week or two and then he’s right back to work. I can’t help feeling sad and a little insecure, honestly. Help!”</p> <p><strong>Key points in the podcast:</strong></p> <ul> <li>The balance between accommodating his career and her needs</li> <li>A 16-point self-evaluation: “You may be a workaholic if…”</li> <li>The reasons a person feels compelled to overwork</li> <li>The three dangers in being married to a workaholic</li> <li>The things a neglected spouse should absolutely <em>not </em>do</li> <li>5 things the neglected spouse <em>should</em> do</li> <li>Communicating concerns effectively to the workaholic</li> <li>6 actions and 6 boundaries you can both agree to</li> <li>How to know if your solutions will actually work and stick</li> </ul> <p>“They are so so fun to listen to! I feel like I’m in their living room just listening to them talk. I love the male perspective from Dale. Thank you for a life-giving podcast! ✮✭✭✭✭” Apple Podcast listener</p> <p><strong>Related episodes:</strong></p> <p><a href="https://wifesavers.org/wsp-32-not-enough-time-for-quality-couple-time/"><u>Episode 32: Not Enough Time for Quality Couple Time</u></a></p> <p><a href="https://wifesavers.org/wsp-26-when-hes-traveling-for-business/"><u>Episode 26: When He’s Traveling for Business</u></a></p> <p><a href="https://wifesavers.org/wsp-ep-24-tech-and-relationships-part-2-husband-and-kids/"><u>Episode 24: Tech and Relationships: Husband and Kids</u></a></p> <p><a href="https://wifesavers.org/wps-2-getting-your-husband-to-prioritize-your-needs-too/"><u>Episode 2: Getting Your Husband To Prioritize Your Needs Too</u></a></p>