283: Matt Gagnon | Shame & Addiction to Living With a Courageous Heart

Social Anxiety Society show

Summary: Matt Gagnon is a professional Co-Active coach certified by the Coaches Training Institute, credentialed by the International Coach Federation, a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, keynote speaker, best selling author, and brings 15 years of corporate sales and leadership experience…but there is more to a person than just their accomplishments…there is a journey.<br><br>Matt believes in living a life aligned with your values. We all have up to five core values - that when honored, evoke the best in us. The problem is that many people live life with values defined by others leaving one feeling empty and like they are never enough. Below is a snapshot of his journey and why he has chosen to serve others as a mindset coach.<br><br>Born and raised in the woods of central Maine where he graduated from Thomas College with a degree in Marketing Management and where he met his future wife, Nikki. <br><br>As an athlete, leader within his school and community, Matt did everything to check off the boxes that would describe a successful person. He even had an internship with NBA Champions, The San Antonio Spurs in 2003 where he was mentored by future Oklahoma Thunder General Manager, Sam Presti.<br><br>By the summer of 2006 Matt was recruited and relocated to Austin, TX by Cole Haan. Matt would spend the next 9 years building and leading powerful teams for some of the most iconic brands on the planet including Under Armour, Carter’s/Osh Kosh.<br><br>Matt was living what looked like a successful life with a six-figure job, nice house, nice car, nice clothes, etc. Behind the curtain he was actually spirally out of control resulting in chronic illness, depression, addiction, and an attempted suicide.<br><br>After 15 years in the retail industry Matt had three major events in his life that set him on a course into entrepreneurship and coaching. In April of 2013 Matt’s son, Fox, was born. As soon as Matt held his son for the first time he knew that he wanted to show his son that it’s never too late to pursue your true calling in life and to build something of your own. One month later Matt would lose his best friend and mentor, his Dad. <br><br>The quote from Matt below best speaks to his experience:<br><br>"For 15 years I sold my soul to the corporate lifestyle. I missed birthday parties, family events, holidays, funerals, anniversaries...I was missing out on life. With having little to no boundaries at work, I burned myself out to the point I had to go on medical leave with several severe and life threatening health issues."<br><br>The third and final event that spurred his quest to serve others as a coach was by the spring of 2015 when Matt’s health issues become too complicated to continue his work in retail and this is where he started to focus on his health and building a new future for him and his family. He was diagnosed with a handful of rare illnesses that impacted his physical and mental health…to this day Matt says it was the best thing to ever happen to him.<br><br>After leaning into his faith and surrendering control, Matt stopped being a victim and chose to see his adversity as a call to adventure. Jobless, negative bank account, infant son, unemployed spouse, and a new home, Matt used a purely grass-roots effort to build a thriving international coaching business. He focused on protecting his supply lines (prayer time, sleep, nutrition, fitness, inner circle of friends) and rediscovered his core values. He chose to write his own comeback story.<br><br>Today Matt is helping transform lives across the globe by encouraging people to rediscover their core values, regain control of their lives, and empower them to live the life they have always wanted. This is how he defines “Living With a Courageous Heart."<br><br>- <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattgagnon1/" rel="noopener">https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattgagnon1/</a><br>- <a href="https://lifestorycoaching.net"></a>