Season #4 - Episode 070 - Scheduling in your Queen Time

Woman Awake - The Soul-led Journey of Awakening Through Womandhood and Motherhood show

Summary: In this episode I invite you to consider Goddess time/Queen time as an important self care ritual. A way to step out of the masculine energy you've been in all day as a mama, woman of the world, running a business, working and being everything to everyone. Queen time is a concept I first came across through Marianne Williamson many years back - it was during a course called The Aphrodite Way around the Feminine and Masculine Polarity - I also spoke with Julie Tenner on Episode 057 about this. It's an amazing chat so listen in!  Queen time or Goddess time as Marianne refers to it is a powerful, simple, self care ritual (that can be anything at all!) supporting you to drop into your FEMININE and experience the deliciousness of being in receivership. Today's podcast is a simple reminder to you to make this a priority. As a gift to you - and to support your QUEEN TIME - at the end of the podcast I share a delicious 'Cleansing and Releasing Under The Full Moon' meditation. Which is perfect as we are currently under the Leo Full Moon and is a wonderful excuse for some Goddess time. Draw yourself a hot bath or lay under the light of the full moon and enjoy this episode and meditation. You absolutely deserve it. Show notes: 1. Email me at to chat about one-on-one coaching. 2. Visit Instagram for my free 45 minute Breathwork Class. 3. Book into regular Breath Medicine Livestream classes - 4. Get your tickets to INNER ALCHEMY - First live Breathwork Circle beginning monthly from March. Held locally here in Central Coast.