Season #4; Episode 068 - Deciding on Schooling for 2021 - Mainstream or Alternative

Woman Awake - The Soul-led Journey of Awakening Through Womandhood and Motherhood show

Summary: This episode explores the HUGE decision we've had to make - in a very short space of time - for Soleil's 2021 (and beyond) schooling. Deciding between mainstream and alternative schooling has been no small feat. It has brought up my own wounds and voids, tested my impressions and ideas of what is right for Soleil and what is the best choice for the family unit as a whole. We've had to sit with the many components of this decision - a decision I don't think I fully realised would be so challenging and triggering. Tune in to hear what we've decided on, why we chose where we've chosen and what's been shaken and stirred up through this journey. Show notes: 1. Enquire about my NEW 90 Minute HEAL Session. A private healing session to sweep through, clear out, realign and find your centre. Using breathwork, EFT, meditation and Somatic Coaching, these powerful and profound sessions are designed for a quick tune-up. 2.Book in to NOVEMBER Breath Medicine 75 Minute Online Class HERE: This ONLINE breath work journey will blend breath work practice with gentle movement and meditation. Expect to feel clear headed, light, bright and beautifully grounded. Your body will feel open. Your cells buzzing with fresh oxygen. Your brain open. Your heart free from anxiety. Your spirit high vibing. 3. Join the Practical Magic, Spiritual Medicine Membership Group HERE  Try out PMSM for only $29 per month. A monthly membership group to nourish, soothe, support and uplift. Come together, connect and share in resources, practices and tools as a support through these wild times. What’s Included: Regular Practical Magic and Spiritual Medicine based sessions: meditation, eft, breath work, somatic practices Themed monthly content: to dig a little into the spiritual, energetic, mental, physical and emotional support we need. Monthly Virtual Sacred Circles: Connection. Illumination. Honouring. Reflection. A responsive, inclusive and supportive space: designed to alchemise those heavy, anxious and out-of-control emotions; raising our vibration, staying present, positive and connected. Subscribe: Itunes | Soundcloud Beautiful one, thank you for being here and listening. It would mean the world to me if you would hit subscribe and stay connected to One Woke Mama – join me on this journey of awakening. Your feedback, comments, reviews and shares would always be gratefully received but also help us to reach more mamas who need support as they navigate the choppy waters of motherhood and all it asks of us. Love + light, Claire