Ep. 170 "Mise en place en Bham"

The Bellingham Podcast show

Summary: Housekeeping <br><br>* Podcast feed updates; Internet Archive and Audible <br><br>AJ's Online artshow recording and interview: Bellingham Art Walk/WWU Alumni<br><br>* <a href="http://bit.ly/AJStudioTour2020" rel="noopener">http://bit.ly/AJStudioTour2020</a><br><br>Primer for future episode: Bringing your data home BellingHOME your data<br><br>RIP 007<br><a href="https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-54761824" rel="noopener">https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-54761824</a><br><br><br>Looping back to:<br><br>* A chef’s secret to organizing your life. <a href="https://pca.st/episode/5c745efc-c61b-4cb8-998b-dfadc197f2f2" rel="noopener">https://pca.st/episode/5c745efc-c61b-4cb8-998b-dfadc197f2f2</a><br> * a book called Everything in Its Place: The Power of Mise-En-Place to Organize Your Life, Work, and Mind (<a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06Y2PFG5Q/ref" rel="noopener">https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06Y2PFG5Q/ref</a>=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=B06Y2PFG5Q&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=stucosuccess&amp;linkId=FSXA3GZUT5SFDAZ4).<br> * Dan Charnas (<a href="http://workclean.com/)" rel="noopener">http://workclean.com/)</a>, writer, “realized that mise-en-place was something that could be used by everyone, and the system's three general principles and ten tools.“<br><br>"putting in place" <br><br>* “Importance of squaring your checklists with your calendar and the one organizing process Dan most recommends: something called the *30-minute "meeze."* <br> * “difference between what Dan calls *"process time"* and *"immersive time."*<br> * “Chef as a pirate”<br> * But they are enormity efficient aboard their ship; the kitchen <br> * *Preparation, Process, Presence. *<br> * “Ruled by the clock” vs “Ruled by the calendar” <br> * Squaring off with the calendar; the time HAS to come from somewhere<br> * Chefs uses a timeline<br> * List= product of the mind ; Calendar = putting you in a place in time <br> * Calendar-kick-the-can we all do it; not deciding to do something and a deadline dictates it <br> * HOW MUCH TIME do you NEED to do X; email= immersive time to WRITE it. Block out time on calendar for the cost of what it takes to do it. <br>* Squaring your lists with your calendar - Sure you have your work tasks written down that “have to get done”... Why is that 5-10 minute break not worthy of remaining on your work calendar?<br><br>The “meeze”<br><br>30 min meeze: if you take more than 30min to planning...than you are working while you meeze. <br><br>* cleaning your tools; account for what was done prior<br>* squaring calendar<br>* prepping for the day <br><br>*Chris*<br><br>* 18-20 oz of ice water with some flavor<br>* Cleaning my tools - If I haven’t cleaned up my workspace, my desk, those papers littered around from the previous day when work concludes, I clean things up *before starting work* the next day. If there is anything on my computer desktop open or unfiled, I bookmark it, save the article to read later, or save a document and drag it to the appropriate location.<br>* Setting the stage - Deliberate choice of my workday soundtrack<br>* Clean mouth? Clean mind? Clean desktop? Let’s open up email and see what my day will look like<br><br>*AJ*<br><br>* Hate feeling like a “busy-body”...<br> * For me “Options are are mother of all indecision and uncommitted, then not setting Priority is the father of all impatience.” Which is why I’ve not been a fan of ‘whats on your check off list“<br> * I’ve always been more aligned to a production schedule; not to the same degree as a chef but has similarities<br> * Kit MUST be organized....ever heard me talk about bags<br> * Data MUST be organized and accounted (hence the tease for upcoming data episode) <br> *...