Meteos metes out some spicy LCS insights as Summer's end approaches | Hotline League 137

Hotline League show

Summary: <p><a href=";t=0s">00:00:00</a> Intro  <a href=";t=1392s">00:23:12</a> brandywine's take: the GG-TSM matchup reveals the big problem with this style of double elim. <a href=";t=1906s">00:31:46</a> kon calls back to predict that TSM is going to beat c9 this week, pretty handily leading to one of the biggest chokes/180s of league of legends history <a href=";t=2962s">00:49:22</a> Alienware break~ <a href=";t=3104s">00:51:44</a> Truz's take: LCS players shouldn't complain about backlash they need to learn to deal with it or they will never succeed <a href=";t=4482s">01:14:42</a> Bluejay's take: Biofrost going in for Treatz was for sure an upgrade and Bio didn't get enough credit for hisd Bard because of the Soul ultimate <a href=";t=5294s">01:28:14</a> lilchester27 calls back to gloat and give a take: Blaber is a system jungler and C9 has to play around him to succeed. <a href=";t=6220s">01:43:40</a> TheGreatClockwyrm predicts FLY will beat TL and book a spot in the finals. <a href=";t=6961s">01:56:01</a> Barbanator24 thinks that  coaching staff and styles are the reason lcs is bad and will not go anywhere in worlds <a href=";t=7542s">02:05:42</a> Outro</p>