LS Returns for more Worlds and offseason talk: Is NA overpaid? Is EU the Korea killer? | HLL 145

Hotline League show

Summary: <p><a href=";t=0s">00:00:00</a> Intro  <a href=";t=1055s">00:17:35</a> Gengariffith wants to discuss Ashley Kang's tweet: "Was Group A the secret Group Of Death?" <a href=";t=1535s">00:25:35</a> Facundinho wants to discuss Europe's record against Korea <a href=";t=2620s">00:43:40</a> Alienware~ <a href=";t=2798s">00:46:38</a> Dakton's take: NA players are NOT overpaid, and the salary discussion is distracting from the actual problems with NA competing internationally <a href=";t=3604s">01:00:04</a> Bluejay's take: The most likely destination for Licorice this offseason will be Team Liquid, but there are many other possible teams to discuss as well. <a href=";t=4710s">01:18:30</a> Dhairyam's take: LCK teams lack Bo5 experience due to the format of LCK playoffs and this holds them back in the knockout stage of Worlds. <a href=";t=5080s">01:24:40</a> Draftbuff for Worlds! <a href=";t=5300s">01:28:20</a> rotateorafk's take: EU as a region is not good, the only reason that the region is so succesful is because of Caps and Caps alone.  <a href=";t=6057s">01:40:57</a> DilapidatedPeanut's take: Player salaries are too high; the money could be better spent in other areas in the league. <a href=";t=6802s">01:53:22</a> Pre Never Stops's take: Everyone shitting on FNC is insane, since they clearly out performed expectations. <a href=";t=7325s">02:02:05</a> Outro</p>