Ep. 126- The Personality Diet and Neurotype Dieting with Mike Millner

UpliftFit Nutrition show

Summary: Time to get into advanced thyroid physiology even more in this episode with who I call the "Thyroid King", Dr. Eric Balcavage! Some questions answered in this episode include: -What does it mean when your thyroid labs look normal, but you struggle with crippling hypothyroid symptoms? What is cellular hypothyroidism and why are doctors commonly missing this diagnosis or mistreating? -Can you discuss thyroid hormone availability vs utilization? -What are the common contributors that limit thyroid absorption in the cell & utilization? -How can someone help to improve their thyroid utilization, ensure adequate conversion, & reduce oxidative stress? -Let’s chat about Hashimoto’s and antibodies- what does it mean when thyroid hormones are normal and antibodies remain elevated? How can one dive deeper into reduced their antibodies? -Thyroid medications and weight gain- what is the connection when thyroid hormones look normal, but people continue to gain weight on their thyroid medications? If you liked this episode make sure to check out my "Exposing the Root" thyroid course- and for only $100 with my code HALFOFF. exposingtheroot.teachable.com My info: Website: www.upliftfit.org Instagram: www.instagram.com/faithandfit Twitter: www.twitter.com/laceyadunn Email for coaching & phone consults: fitandfaith@gmail.com OR laceydunn@upliftfitnutrition.com Dr. Eric's Info: Website: rejuvagencenter.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/drericbalcavage/ Pre order his book here: www.amazon.com/Thyroid-Debacle-E…1588347188&sr=8-1 Dr. Eric's Podcast: "Thyroid Answers Podcast"