Mobile Game Monetization & Growth with Jasmine "Zeno" Hinchen

App Marketing by App Masters show

Summary: <p>This week's special guest is <a href="">Jasmine "Zeno" Hinchen</a><a href=";v=SHoIA14Kh_g&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUJzVDBSdTI2eXY4LXMzcDNGRW9xR3lDZWlqZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuejZGbW9rdUZHUkhwVHJsUWhlV2RRbHJLaURaWjRxY1hoelB1dDYtekpMSmduOG9JZnBnLUh2ekJlTzRVUkxENXU2djBSV2R6aHhvYTdSNl92Rm1mUW9IX3hvMEMxOFBHbVdOemptWDZseG1oZnVhZw%3D%3D&amp;"> </a>who is the CEO at <a href=";v=SHoIA14Kh_g&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbllQS2V3VUtWc0Y3ZHpIQlVEaU03VV82TUFKUXxBQ3Jtc0ttWTZuaFRld2t6bG9uZ0hlTEpYc0tBQnktRWxVOXZ6MFNLRTRoV3hqSmtCOHVxQTVBVHZZaUMxRFlGMWR0UG1IY3dqc1pQd0NiTDRxdG1LaGFZcWp1Rzl3VEc4azl2MnE0eVM4elVhZFk1QmZQUUZzTQ%3D%3D&amp;">Giodaco</a> - a consultancy that identifies revenue and monetization strategies that will maximize earning opportunities for games, apps, and businesses.</p> <p><strong>Topic Covered:</strong></p> <ul> <li> <strong>(04:40) -</strong> What’s working with ASO on Google Play</li> <li> <strong>(11:10) - </strong>How to drive downloads with YouTube influencers </li> <li> <strong>(13.06) - </strong>Facebook group as a community space for your app</li> <li> <strong>(22.12) - </strong>How will the IDFA changes affect UA</li> <li> <strong>(23:50) - </strong>DripDrop App Audit</li> <li> <strong>(29:04) - </strong>What is biggest mistake game developers make</li> <li> <strong>(34:47) - </strong>SuperMama App Audit</li> </ul> <p>***************</p> <p><a href="">Join us live every Friday at 9am PST on YouTube!</a></p> <p>Every Friday on YouTube, we reveal app marketing secrets working today, audit your apps, and answer all your questions related to increasing downloads and revenue.</p> <p><a href="">Get your app audited.</a></p> <p>***************</p> <p><strong>SPONSORS</strong></p> <p> is the app development firm dedicated to helping entrepreneurs go from app idea to success because they understand startups and don't charge you huge fees just to get your app off the ground. Learn more at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>Checkaso is an analytical ASO platform that provides you with up-to-date data on keywords, competitors, ratings, and reviews. It also rates your ASO level and gives you custom tips on how to improve it. This way, you can increase your app page visibility, organic traffic, and installs with every update. Try it now for 7 days for free at <a href=";utm_medium=podcast"></a>.</p> <p>***************</p> <p>Follow us:</p> <p>YouTube: <a href=""></a><br> Instagram: <a href="">@stevepyoung</a><br> Twitter: <a href="">@stevepyoung</a><br> Facebook: <a href="">App Masters</a></p> <p>***************</p>