F2FHQ 003 – Quick Fixes and Falling off the Wagon

Fat2Fit HQ Podcast | Average Guys and Girls Losing Weight, Fat 2 Fit show

Summary: Zack did his first treadmill 5k and is working out with the kettle-bells.  Jake fell off the wagon because of a hectic week and because he let his FAT inner-self out.  Dr. Oz new recommendation, and what we think. Welcome to the Fat2FitHQ podcast. This is Zack and Jake from GunGuyRadio and here we plan to chronicle our journeys from fat to fit. Week in Review Weigh In- BEGINNING: Zack 278.2, Jake 228 LAST WEEK: Zack 275.9 44.2%, Jake 223.2 This week: Zack- 273.3  41.7%   4.9 lbs total , 2.6 lbs since last show 2.5% BF change since last show. Went to the doctor, got bloodwork done and told Doc about Fat2Fit Jake- 224.6  UP 1.4lbs from last week. but still down 3.4 lbs EXERCISE- Zack- Did my first 5k on the treadmill.. took forever Started kettlebell workouts Jake- Did more Fat than Fit this week.  Purposely give Zack a lead :)  Put in more physical time and labor at work this week.  Live in harmony with Fat and Fit. NUTRITION- Jake- Still counting calories.  Conscious of things I eat.  Monday I threw the plan out the window for the Memorial day cookout. Zack- Still eating crappy foods, need to start cooking Still no pop.. keep on truckin! Bought salad kit for lunches, granola yogurt for work. Started drinking a protein shake in morning LoseIt scanner is awesome! MAIN TOPIC- QUICK FIXES http://fox13now.com/2012/05/25/diet-pill-endorsed-by-dr-oz-flying-off-shelves/ Raspberry ketone FEEDBACK: Tom writes: I think it's great that you want to get in shape, but I think all those cleansing and diet chemicals are not the right way to go about it.  Believe it or not it's the simple things that work. Lots of exercise, small portions of lean foods.  No pop or other sugary drinks.  It's amazing how much time you have to exercise when you give up TV.  I don't believe 30 minute workouts work either.  You need a long sustained workout even if it is just walking. If you are looking for something to log your activity I highly recommend the FitBit (fitbit.com).  It's tiny and does a good job of automatically logging and sharing your info if you want too.  My wife got me one and it is pretty motivational. Good luck with the weight loss.  Thanks for the podcasts. Wrap-up Visit www.Fat2FitHQ.com for more info and to find out how to contact us. Please leave a review on iTunes to really help us out. Fat2FitHQ Itunes Link Tell us on Facebook.com/fat2fithq about your goals