Tractor Trails: a soothing kid’s story when you need a break

Bedtime Stories Cozy Corner Podcast show

Summary: Trenton the tractor finds a way to make his chores fun. The animals and other farm vehicles are soothed by Trenton's singing on the tractor trails.<br> Hello everyone!  We hope you enjoyed our new story “Astonishing Acorn” this week. Now, welcome to Favorite Friday! Sometimes we like to listen to our favorites again. Please enjoy “Tractor Trails” and we’ll be back with a new story on Monday!<br> Final 3 Dragon Breaths: 7:25<br> <br> Narrator: Male<br> Tractor Trails Excerpt:<br> The yellow tractor smiled, knowing that they could already smell the sweet scent, and eagerly awaited some fresh hay.  As he rumbled past the different enclosures, the sheep, goats, and rabbits all perked up, excited by the sweet aroma of freshly cut hay.   The bunnies were especially fun to watch.  They hopped around excitedly and even stood up on their hind legs, begging for just a tiny pile.<br> <br> Trenton finished one row and then carefully turned to start the next.  He was beginning to feel a little bored, and knew he needed to do something to help himself pay attention.  If he drifted off his path, he might miss some hay, and it’s always good to watch where you are going. Then the little yellow tractor heard something in the distance.  There was a soft melody drifting along on the wind.  Trenton smiled.  He knew what he would do to keep himself alert.  The little yellow tractor would make music!  His engine already rumbled away with a decent beat, and the mower whirred away in the background. Now the tractor just needed to add a bit of melody.<br> Today’s Meditation: Today, enjoy the feeling of your body relaxing into the warm sand on a sunny beach.<br> Looking for a way to help your child learn <a href="">emotional regulation and how to self soothe</a>?  You'll find them on Ahway Island®. Be Calm on Ahway Island® Podcast offers original bedtime stories, like "Tractor Trails" paired with meditations for kids. We help them drift off to sleep with a guided relaxation and a calming story. Gently nestled within each podcast episode are mindfulness techniques and positive learning moments.  To learn more about <a href="">our mission at Ahway Island</a> and our team please visit our website.<br> Creating the original bedtime stories and art for Be Calm on Ahway Island takes a lot of time and care.<br> Since we are a listener-supported podcast, we survive on your tips and purchases. If your child enjoys a good story with a positive message, we would greatly appreciate you <a href="">purchasing a T-shirt from our shop</a> or making a donation to help us keep your favorite self-soothing podcast going. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring micro donation once a month. Just click on the link below or go to our website, <a href=""></a>.<br> <br> <a href="">Donate Here</a><br> Overall, do you enjoy our stories and self-soothing meditations?<br> We hope your child loved “Tractor Trails” If so, we need your positive reviews to help others find us too. Please leave a 5 star review on your favorite podcast app like Apple Podcasts, our <a href=";qid=1566925290&amp;s=gateway&amp;sr=8-1">Amazon Alexa Skill</a> page, or our social media pages to share your enthusiasm for our original stories with a positive message!<br> <br> Please follow us on  <a href="">Facebook</a>, <a href="">Twitter,</a> <a href="">Instagram</a> and <a href="">YouTube</a>.<br> Thank you for your help in spreading the word about our ...