A Glimpse into the National Family Caregiver Support Program

Dementia Matters show

Summary: COVID-19 Special Series The National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP) offers information, support, and resources to assist family caregivers (spouse, adult child, other relative, friend or neighbor) with their concerns related to caregiving. COVID-19 has impacted many resources and supports. Funding is available to help. This episode delves into what the program offers and ways to support caregivers and care recipients especially during the pandemic Guest: Jane DeBroux, Caregiver Program Coordinator, Dane County Area Agency on Aging Episode Topics: What is the National Family Caregiver Support Program? 2:55  How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed the program? 4:02 What does the program offer? 4:43 What are the eligibility requirements? 10:20 Show Notes: To learn more about the National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP) program in your county reach out to your local Area Agency on Aging or Aging & Disability Resource Center. If in Dane County, Wisconsin, contact Jane DeBroux at (608) 261-5679. For all other Wisconsin counties go to wisconsincaregiver.org. All of the important issues happening right now cannot be fully covered, so we strongly encourage you to go to trusted sources for specific information, such as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, your state and local health department websites, and the Alzheimer's Association. You can also find resources on our website, and that of the Wisconsin Alzheimer's Institute. For other interesting and important stories on the COVID-19 pandemic, I would recommend my colleague at UW Health Jonathan Kohler, MD, MA, of the Surgery Sett podcast who has a special series called The Frontlines of COVID.