#44 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (10th February 2019)

(ASMR) Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) show

Summary: TRANSCRIBED BY <a href="https://otter.ai/referrals/T1UKO5K7" rel="noopener">https://otter.ai/referrals/T1UKO5K7</a><br>Hello, welcome to Jason. New land.com My name is Jason, new land. This is deep sleep whisper hypnosis. Please only listen to this when you can safely Close your eyes<br>as it may cause drowsiness, sleepiness the need to slow your mind down. If you're watching the video, again, only watch if you can safely Close your eyes. And if you're watching on YouTube, please subscribe. And thank you very much for watching. And wherever you're listening on the internet, wherever podcast host spreaker, iTunes, Spotify, wherever it is, Stitcher. Thank you. I appreciate you listening to me. So I'm just going to talk to you today while whispered in your ear. All ears and pets. I'm not gonna ask you to focus on any part of your body.<br>Just gonna talk ideally, before you press play, be in a comfortable position. Maybe lying down on the bed, comfortable sofa maybe even the floor depending on your preferences and needs.<br>Also, you may choose to sit in a chair one that supports your body.<br>And I Someone once told me that they were listening to me and they were sitting on a chair and they nearly fell off the chair because I fell asleep. Well my solution today is only sit in a chair that you would fall asleep in safely. Even a deck chair, a sun bed by the sun bed I mean a laid back chair thing that you can sit in the sun with nice sun bed where you lay down and get Sunday<br>because that's not something that you want to be falling asleep under. I did that once. 1986 I used to go to this gym. And they called sun sun beds in Southport. So I've got quite right skin. And I thought maybe I could try and get some Sunday because I can't stand or do something bad. Just basically I'd go read in in the winter. If I open the freezer up. I get sunburn is just the way my skin is. So I thought maybe I could train my skin to relax into some kind of a suntan situation. Well, I fell asleep. This is it didn't have any kind of an alarm on it. And yeah, it was awesome, great. So not sure why I'm telling you that story. I think maybe it's part of the trust. Because when you listen to me needs to be trust on both sides. I need to trust that you are looking after yourself. I need to trust that you're preparing the situation for you, so that you're comfortable at all times. I need to trust if you're lying down and a part of your body starts to ache, then you can move your body so that you felt comfortable again. I need to trust that you only listen to this when it's safe to fall asleep.<br>So you're not driving a train or something like that when you're listening? Do you need to be able to trust that I have<br>the right intention. I have your welfare. Very hard. Everything that I do with these recordings you need to build trust that you can safely drift off<br>and still listen to me. And know that the things I say when you're asleep? Absolutely fine. Just in the attempt one anything from you just want you to be happier to be prayer. Because even though your mind will automatically start to slow down and drift away because that maybe is what happens. As soon as you hit my voice<br>sleeping is so important for your health, for your well being for your life. And for me, it's about a natural process. There's no medication involved. It's also no trying to force yourself to fall asleep because that<br>is impossible. I suppose the only way to false technically would be to wear yourself out completely. Basically. I'm pretty sure that anybody that's climbed a mountain you know already big hell they've been walking all day long. When they finally get to lay down, I'm pretty sure that most people would just fall asleep quite quickly due to physical exhaustion. Now, we don't all have the luxury, I wouldn't call it luxury, but we don't all have the availability or the circumstances for that type of situation each and every day as well as...