Episode 49: Ditch Dieting & Find Your New Normal With Sarah Dupre

Mind & Body Strong show

Summary: Have you been on a number of dieting fads over the years? Do you still feel not enough despite going through these diets?<br><br>In this episode, Certified Health Coach Sarah Dupre goes over her experiences with dieting and how ditching diet fads helped her realize what she really is looking for this entire time. I know you will find her message inspiring &amp; grab some tangible tips on how you too can ditch dieting and find a new normal.<br><br>If you loved this episode, take a screenshot and share it on IG stories with the tag @mindandbodystrong<br><br>Need guidance towards building a better relationship with food and your body? Click the link to set up a discovery call so we can map out a plan together to get you there: <a href="https://www.mindandbodystrong.com/coaching" rel="noopener">https://www.mindandbodystrong.com/coaching</a><br><br>Grab my free 5 step guide to food &amp; body freedom! <a href="https://www.mindandbodystrong.com/5-step-guide-to-food-and-body-freedom" rel="noopener">https://www.mindandbodystrong.com/5-step-guide-to-food-and-body-freedom</a><br><br>Connect with me:<br><br>Facebook <a href="https://www.facebook.com/kmpijanowski/" rel="noopener">https://www.facebook.com/kmpijanowski/</a><br><br>Instagram <a href="https://www.instagram.com/mindandbodystrong/" rel="noopener">https://www.instagram.com/mindandbodystrong/</a><br><br>Youtube <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPdNFOCyXcz5Ga4pNSeBxmg?view_as=subscriber" rel="noopener">https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPdNFOCyXcz5Ga4pNSeBxmg?view_as=subscriber</a><br><br>Pinterest <a href="https://www.pinterest.com/kmpijanowski/" rel="noopener">https://www.pinterest.com/kmpijanowski/</a><br><br>Get in touch with Sarah through the following channels:<br>Instagram - <a href="https://www.instagram.com/ruthlesslysarah/" rel="noopener">https://www.instagram.com/ruthlesslysarah/</a><br>Website - <a href="http://www.serotoninhealthcoaching.com" rel="noopener">www.serotoninhealthcoaching.com</a>