Pr0lly Provides Analysis: Is C9 as strong as they look? | Hotline League 110

Hotline League show

Summary: <p><a href=";t=0s">00:00:00</a> Intro: Pr0lly returns to HLL <a href=";t=890s">00:14:50</a> Travis talks CLG <a href=";t=1283s">00:21:23</a> Jinn says Monday Night League sucks! Friday would be better. <a href=";t=2256s">00:37:36</a> Ghosthan thinks EG is the least coordinated team in the LCS, has some suggestions <a href=";t=3477s">00:57:57</a> rico suave wants to talk about how the LCS has no clear top 2nd or 3rd team, and the region is weak. <a href=";t=4000s">01:06:40</a> MaximusAries 's take: Golden Guardians will make semi finals this split because of Closer's jungling. <a href=";t=4733s">01:18:53</a> Pre Never Stops 's take: How TSM is playing/drafting is a good sign for the future, despite their 0-2 week. <a href=";t=5388s">01:29:48</a> Quoz 's take: NA Orgs don't understand what leadership is! <a href=";t=6298s">01:44:58</a> RagetheMudkip predicts C9 won't win Spring split. <a href=";t=6955s">01:55:55</a> MarkZ and Travis make a bet :) <a href=";t=7179s">01:59:39</a> Dbrown15 asks: Is Nisqy the most replaceable player in C9? <a href=";t=7769s">02:09:29</a> Outro</p>