Doublelift Dances, Kelby Kackles - EPIC off season announcements on HOTLINE LEAGUE 100!

Hotline League show

Summary: <p><a href=";t=0s">00:00:00</a> Intro <a href=";t=720s">00:12:00</a> Duncan thinks this will be C9's year. <a href=";t=1500s">00:25:00</a> Kaito's take: Kkoma's departure is the end of an era for SKT. <a href=";t=2240s">00:37:20</a> D0P3ST is optimistic that C9 and TSM could be contenders against TL. <a href=";t=3221s">00:53:41</a> IZK calls to discuss Svenskeren rumors. Doublelift explains why he doesn't participate in MVP voting. Kelby argues it was unwise for Bjerg not to explore his options. <a href=";t=3925s">01:05:25</a> Travis thanks the viewers for 100 episodes uwu <a href=";t=3954s">01:05:54</a> Will D1 Thrill calls to discuss DIG letting go of Vulcan and putting tons of money into Huni -- huge mistake?! <a href=";t=4515s">01:15:15</a> ThaGovna, a CLG fan, is not a fan of the Smoothie trade. Wants to discuss Ssumday/Ruin too. <a href=";t=5085s">01:24:45</a> Gravis Tafford thinks it's tragic for Goldenglue to go to GGS. <a href=";t=5630s">01:33:50</a> sry im bad's take: One of NA's biggest issues as a competitive region is that lacking opportunities for prospective pros to compete at the highest level prior to Leagues such as Academy LCS, or Collegiate. (What IS NA's problem?) <a href=";t=6660s">01:51:00</a> T Rob's hot take: 100T will wind up bottom 3 again this split. <a href=";t=7096s">01:58:16</a> Outro</p>