Lin Eleoff  show

Summary: Do you know the difference between working<br> ON versus IN your business?<br> <a href="http://myfreedommastermind.com"></a>Working on your business feels like freedom.<br> Working in your business feels like drudgery.<br> That’s what we’re talking about today on <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/business-being-life-coach/id843036708?mt=2" target="_blank">Gutsy Glorious Radio</a> and you need to listen up: there are two key transition points in your business that depend on your knowing the difference between working ON and working IN your biz.<br> We’re building on <a href="https://www.lineleoff.com/ggr-freedom-calendar/" target="_blank">Episode 36</a> where I taught you how to create a business calendar that honors your whole life… it’s a MIND BODY BUSINESS <a href="http://myfreedomcalendar.com" target="_blank">Freedom Calendar</a>. Get a free copy of one <a href="http://myfreedomcalendar.com" target="_blank">HERE</a>.<br> This is the work we’re doing in my new Freedom Mastermind, for coaches who want to build a whole life, not just a business.<br> Enjoy the episode!<br> And kindly leave a review… it means a lot to me and the podcast’s success; you can do that when you <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/business-being-life-coach/id843036708?mt=2" target="_blank">SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES! </a><br> Thank you… and stay gutsy!<br> <br> Hey Coach… get in THIS MASTERMIND!<br> <a href="http://myfreedommastermind.com"></a>I promise… it will make the difference between having an amazing year ahead, or just another year where you end up right back where you started.<br> I kid you not… I have experienced first-hand the power of masterminding with fellow entrepreneurs who are serious about growing their businesses. What makes this mastermind so special is that we’re not just talking business… we get personal. We create a MIND BODY BUSINESS plan for your whole life. <br> We’re getting in the best shape of our lives WHILE we grow our businesses.<br> We’re treating our bodies right.<br> We’re building coaching businesses that not only make us money but make us happy.<br> Don’t believe me? Just watch.<br> Get in <a href="http://myfreedommastermind.com" target="_blank">HERE</a>. We need you and all you have to offer the world.<br> Do you know the difference between working<br> ON versus IN your business?<br> <a href="http://myfreedommastermind.com"></a>Working on your business feels like freedom.<br> Working in your business feels like drudgery.<br> That’s what we’re talking about today on <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/business-being-life-coach/id843036708?mt=2" target="_blank">Gutsy Glorious Radio</a> and you need to listen up: there are two key transition points in your business that depend on your knowing the difference between working ON and working IN your biz.<br> We’re building on <a href="https://www.lineleoff.com/ggr-freedom-calendar/" target="_blank">Episode 36</a> where I taught you how to create a business calendar that honors your whole life… it’s a MIND BODY BUSINESS <a href="http://myfreedomcalendar.com" target="_blank">Freedom Calendar</a>. Get a free copy of one <a href="http://myfreedomcalendar.com" target="_blank">HERE</a>.<br> This is the work we’re doing in my new Freedom Mastermind, for coaches who want to build a whole life, not just a business.<br> Enjoy the episode!<br> And kindly leave a review… it means a lot to me and the podcast’s success; you can do that when you <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/business-being-life-coach/id843036708?mt=2" target="_blank">SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES! </a><br> Thank you… and stay gutsy!<br> <br> Hey Coach… get in THIS MASTERMIND!<br> <a href="http://myfreedommastermind.com"></a>I promise… it will make the differe...