Lin Eleoff  show

Summary: Introducing the “Absolute Bare-Bones<br> Basic Business Plan.”<br> <a href="http://myfreedommastermind.com"></a>If you have no other plan for your business, Coach, you need this one… It’s the very least that a “Responsible Business Owner” would do if she wanted to build a real business, defined as one that makes you money AND makes you happy. <br> Before you start listening to this episode of the podcast, grab a pen and paper and a calculator. This is going to be eye-opening if you’ve never taken the time to calculate exactly what you have to do, i.e., “sell” in order to hit that target number you’ve got floating around in the back of your mind.<br> You need to get that number out of your head and onto a piece of paper so we can figure out exactly how you’re going to hit that number.<br> Don’t worry, we’re not going to do anything complicated, it’s all simple math. <br> You didn’t really think you could go into business and not do some math, did you?<br> By the way, you’re not alone. Dealing with “the numbers” is one of the most intimidating aspects of running an online business… or any business. But that doesn’t mean you get to stick your head in the sand and ignore the numbers altogether. <br> Today we’re going to create a “bare-bones basic business plan” designed to help you track the numbers that determine whether you will hit your revenue target for the year. <br> This is simple stuff, really, and it will help you keep the blinders off when it comes to how your business is doing on a weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis. I want you to have a very clear picture of what you need to DO to hit your “money number” in the next year. <br> Know your numbers so that they don’t come back and bite you in the “assets” one day.<br> I encourage you to use your revenue numbers as data that informs you about whether you’re on the right track when it comes to the products and services you offer. Without knowing these numbers you’ll be flying by the seat of your pants, so don’t be too surprised if, a year from now, you’re not much further ahead than you are today if you didn’t track your progress along the way. <br> This is one of the most important items on my <a href="http://46steps.com" target="_blank">46 Step Checklist</a> — the one that lists everything you need to do to get your business up and running online, including the legal stuff, because, hey, I’m an Internet business lawyer as well as a coach and I want to make sure your “assets” are covered! <br> SHOW LINKS:<br> <a href="http://myfreedomcalendar.com/" target="_blank">MyFreedomCalendar.com</a><br> <a href="http://myfreedommastermind.com/" target="_blank">My FreedomMastermind.com</a><br> <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Gutsy-Glorious-Life-Coach-Money-Making-ebook/dp/B01L7XYTNW/" target="_blank">Gutsy Glorious Life Coach: How to Turn Your Life Coaching Practice into a Soulful Money-Making Business</a><br> <a href="http://46steps.com" target="_blank">The 46 Steps</a><br> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/business-being-life-coach/id843036708?mt=2" target="_blank">SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES! </a><br> <br> HEY COACH… HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT <a href="http://myfreedommastermind.com" target="_blank">MY FREEDOM MASTERMIND</a>? WE DON’T JUST KEEP TRACK OF OUR BUSINESS NUMBERS, WE ALSO TRACK OUR HEALTH AND BODY NUMBERS.<br> Introducing the “Absolute Bare-Bones<br> Basic Business Plan.”<br> <a href="http://myfreedommastermind.com"></a>If you have no other plan for your business, Coach, you need this one… It’s the very least that a “Responsible Business Owner” would do if she wanted to build a real business, defined as one that makes you money AND makes you happy. <br>