Lin Eleoff  show

Summary: Every single page on your website has a purpose: to work for you.<br> Your website pages can make or break your <a href="https://www.lineleoff.com/46-steps/" target="_blank">coaching business</a>. Why? Because the content on your site’s pages will either convert visitors into paying customers… or it won’t. And if it doesn’t… well, you won’t have much of a business. That’s why it’s so important to optimize your website pages so that visitors ultimately become clients.<br> There are roughly 10 or 11 pages every website should have, depending on whether you have services, or products, or both.<br> *<br> <br> * HOME<a href="http://gutsygloriousradio.com" target="_blank"></a><br> * ABOUT<br> * WORK WITH ME/SERVICES<br> * BLOG<br> * CONTACT<br> * PRODUCTS<br> * TESTIMONIALS<br> * PRIVACY POLICY<br> * DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY<br> * WEBSITE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE<br> * MEDIA<br> <br> YOUR WEBSITE’S 5 MOST IMPORTANT PAGES<br> Today’s episode of the <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/business-being-life-coach/id843036708?mt=2" target="_blank">Mind Body Business Freedom</a> podcast talks about the first five pages on that list: Home, About, Work With Me, Blog, Contact.<br> How you set up those pages will be the same for all the other pages so if you get these right you’ll have a pretty good handle on how to set up all the others.<br> When it comes to setting up your website’s pages, the key is this: Each page must answer 2 very important questions or that page won’t work for you.<br> <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Gutsy-Glorious-Life-Coach-Money-Making-ebook/dp/B01L7XYTNW/"></a>Your website pages simply must work for you, i.e., they must deliver a message to your favorite clients that will make them do whatever you ask them to do… whether it’s to sign up for a free offer you’re making or to buy your services and/or products. This episode explains exactly how to do that.<br> SHOW NOTES + LINKS<br> <br> * What you need to ask yourself every time you design and write the copy for one of your site’s pages;<br> * The (unfortunate) mistake so many coaches make when they “sell” their coaching services online;<br> * <a href="https://www.lineleoff.com/gglc/" target="_blank">GutsyGloriousLifeCoach.com</a><br> * <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Gutsy-Glorious-Life-Coach-Money-Making-ebook/dp/B01L7XYTNW/" target="_blank">Gutsy Glorious Life Coach: How to Turn Your Life Coaching Practice into a Soulful Money-Making Business</a><br> <br> <br> PS: Please HACO (Help A Coach Out)… it would mean a lot to me to have you <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/business-being-life-coach/id843036708?mt=2" target="_blank">SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES! </a>And leave a comment… short and sweet. It lets iTunes know people are listening and puts wind in my sails to keep creating this podcast for you. Just click <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/business-being-life-coach/id843036708?mt=2" target="_blank">this link</a> and then click “view in iTunes” (under my picture) where you’ll be able to subscribe and leave me a comment. You can do it! I’m counting on you, Coach. <br> Thank you!<br> Every single page on your website has a purpose: to work for you.<br> Your website pages can make or break your <a href="https://www.lineleoff.com/46-steps/" target="_blank">coaching business</a>. Why? Because the content on your site’s pages will either convert visitors into paying customers… or it won’t. And if it doesn’t… well, you won’t have much of a business. That’s why it’s so important to optimize your website pages so that visitors ultimately become clients.<br> There are roughly 10 or 11 pages every website should have, depending on whether you have services, or products, or both.<br>