Lin Eleoff  show

Summary: Let’s Play In The Dirt. Let’s Make A Mess!<br> Remember when you were a kid and your parents would yell at you to “CLEAN UP THAT MESS”?<br> Am I the only would who would argue, “That’s not a mess!”<br> For as long as I can remember I have enjoyed rolling around in my so-called messes, but for the longest time I used to hide that side of me. I wouldn’t let them see the mess until I had made it all look “perfect.”<br> To be truthful, that would sometimes turn me into a hot mess.<br> Here’s the difference: there’s a CREATIVE mess – the kind where your juices are flowing and you’re having the time of your life. And then there’s a HOT mess – the kind where you’re out of juice and want to curl up into a ball and hide.<br> Making a creative mess is akin to playing in the dirt when you were a kid.<br> Being a hot mess is akin to bawling on the bathroom floor.<br> See the difference? One lights a fire under your butt, the other burns your ass.<br> This week on the MESS MAGIC MONEY Podcast I’m talking about why it’s important to allow ourselves to roll around in the dirt we call “creativity” as adults. It’s so much more fun than the pursuit of perfection.<br> <br> Download your free copy of my <a href="https://www.lineleoff.com/drama-free-business-plan/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">5-STEP DRAMA-FREE BUSINESS PLAN FOR COACHES</a><br> Let’s Play In The Dirt. Let’s Make A Mess!<br> Remember when you were a kid and your parents would yell at you to “CLEAN UP THAT MESS”?<br> Am I the only would who would argue, “That’s not a mess!”<br> For as long as I can remember I have enjoyed rolling around in my so-called messes, but for the longest time I used to hide that side of me. I wouldn’t let them see the mess until I had made it all look “perfect.”<br> To be truthful, that would sometimes turn me into a hot mess.<br> Here’s the difference: there’s a CREATIVE mess – the kind where your juices are flowing and you’re having the time of your life. And then there’s a HOT mess – the kind where you’re out of juice and want to curl up into a ball and hide.<br> Making a creative mess is akin to playing in the dirt when you were a kid.<br> Being a hot mess is akin to bawling on the bathroom floor.<br> See the difference? One lights a fire under your butt, the other burns your ass.<br> This week on the MESS MAGIC MONEY Podcast I’m talking about why it’s important to allow ourselves to roll around in the dirt we call “creativity” as adults. It’s so much more fun than the pursuit of perfection.<br> <br> Download your free copy of my <a href="https://www.lineleoff.com/drama-free-business-plan/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">5-STEP DRAMA-FREE BUSINESS PLAN FOR COACHES</a><br>