Lin Eleoff  show

Summary: Rebellion is not the answer to getting what you want. Instead you have to be beautifully assertive.<br> I used to be a bit of a rebel, wanting to go one way when everyone was telling me to go the other way. Rebellion is a right of passage when you’re young.<br> But carrying rebellion into your adult life can backfire. After all, who are you rebelling against when the only boss of you is YOU?<br> In this episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY I walk you through a BIG CHANGE I recently made in my business and the difference between taking action from a place of rebellion versus listening to your Soul CEO, who always knows what’s best for you, your business, and your life.<br> <br> Hey Coach, come join b.GUTSY, my hangout for gutsy coaches who are ready to make money in a way that makes them happy. The best part? It’s FREE! Click <a href="https://theb.lineleoff.com" target="_blank">HERE</a>.<br> Rebellion is not the answer to getting what you want. Instead you have to be beautifully assertive.<br> I used to be a bit of a rebel, wanting to go one way when everyone was telling me to go the other way. Rebellion is a right of passage when you’re young.<br> But carrying rebellion into your adult life can backfire. After all, who are you rebelling against when the only boss of you is YOU?<br> In this episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY I walk you through a BIG CHANGE I recently made in my business and the difference between taking action from a place of rebellion versus listening to your Soul CEO, who always knows what’s best for you, your business, and your life.<br> <br> Hey Coach, come join b.GUTSY, my hangout for gutsy coaches who are ready to make money in a way that makes them happy. The best part? It’s FREE! Click <a href="https://theb.lineleoff.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">HERE</a>.<br>