Lin Eleoff  show

Summary: IT’S NOT ABOUT THE MONEY<br> WOW… All this money talk sure gets people talking! I’ve heard from so many coaches who say they can’t wrap their head around the “money part” of running a business.<br> <a href="https://www.lineleoff.com/mastermind/" target="_blank"></a>And yet… if it’s a business, it’s about money, right?<br> No?<br> Yes.<br> I mean… yes and no.<br> Sorry if this sounds confusing but I can see how confusing this is for so many coaches. This topic used to make me crazy.<br> For example, a coach said to me just the other day: “Lin, this REALLY isn’t about the money for me.” <br> I said, “Ok, then coach for free. Don’t charge for your services.” <br> To which she retorted, “Well that doesn’t make sense.” <br> See what I mean?<br> On the one hand we say, “It’s not about the money,” but then we say we absolutely want to make money. Some of you have even said you want to make “lots of money” (without feeling bad about that).<br> So why do we say it’s not about the money?<br> Because it’s not. Not really. Not when it comes to creating “real wealth” – the kind every coach I meet wants to create.<br> Let’s dive in…<br> <br> Hey Coach, check out my new <a href="https://www.lineleoff.com/masterclass" target="_blank">100k DNA Masterclass</a>, for coaches who are tired of NOT making money.<br> IT’S NOT ABOUT THE MONEY<br> WOW… All this money talk sure gets people talking! I’ve heard from so many coaches who say they can’t wrap their head around the “money part” of running a business.<br> <a href="https://www.lineleoff.com/mastermind/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>And yet… if it’s a business, it’s about money, right?<br> No?<br> Yes.<br> I mean… yes and no.<br> Sorry if this sounds confusing but I can see how confusing this is for so many coaches. This topic used to make me crazy.<br> For example, a coach said to me just the other day: “Lin, this REALLY isn’t about the money for me.” <br> I said, “Ok, then coach for free. Don’t charge for your services.” <br> To which she retorted, “Well that doesn’t make sense.” <br> See what I mean?<br> On the one hand we say, “It’s not about the money,” but then we say we absolutely want to make money. Some of you have even said you want to make “lots of money” (without feeling bad about that).<br> So why do we say it’s not about the money?<br> Because it’s not. Not really. Not when it comes to creating “real wealth” – the kind every coach I meet wants to create.<br> Let’s dive in…<br> <br> Hey Coach, check out my new <a href="https://www.lineleoff.com/masterclass" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">100k DNA Masterclass</a>, for coaches who are tired of NOT making money.<br>