Ep #57: The Art of the Anti-Hustle

 Lin Eleoff  show

Summary: THE ART OF THE ANTI-HUSTLE<br> Life coaches love love love it when I tell them they don’t have to network.<br> It’s as if I had just given them a new car, à la Oprah.<br> Networking is the used-car-salesman approach to marketing your coaching services.<br> <br> Don’t even THINK about “going out and networking” because if you do you’ll start to get that icky slime-ball feeling – the one that causes you to hold yourself back from doing anything because you’re afraid of what people will think of you.<br> Instead, I encourage you to practice The Art of the Anti-Hustle. It works and it’s what I love to teach my clients in my <a href="https://www.lineleoff.com/masterclass/">100k DNA Masterclass</a> because they get a huge sense of relief once they realize they can get clients in a way that actually feels utterly delightful.<br> You see, it’s far more powerful to be asked to talk about what you do as a life coach instead of simply assuming people want to hear about what you do.<br> Besides, “I’m a Life Coach” is a fool-proof conversation starter.<br> That’s what we’re talking about in this episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY…<br> <br> Hey Coach, check out my new <a href="https://www.lineleoff.com/masterclass/" target="_blank">100k DNA Masterclass</a>, for coaches who are tired of NOT making money because of their inner glass ceiling, a.k.a., Self Sabotage. It’s always working to knock you back down, no matter how hard you try to climb your way up.<br> [blank_space height=’3em’]<br> THE ART OF THE ANTI-HUSTLE<br> Life coaches love love love it when I tell them they don’t have to network.<br> It’s as if I had just given them a new car, à la Oprah.<br> Networking is the used-car-salesman approach to marketing your coaching services.<br> <br> Don’t even THINK about “going out and networking” because if you do you’ll start to get that icky slime-ball feeling – the one that causes you to hold yourself back from doing anything because you’re afraid of what people will think of you.<br> Instead, I encourage you to practice The Art of the Anti-Hustle. It works and it’s what I love to teach my clients in my <a href="https://www.lineleoff.com/masterclass/">100k DNA Masterclass</a> because they get a huge sense of relief once they realize they can get clients in a way that actually feels utterly delightful.<br> You see, it’s far more powerful to be asked to talk about what you do as a life coach instead of simply assuming people want to hear about what you do.<br> Besides, “I’m a Life Coach” is a fool-proof conversation starter.<br> That’s what we’re talking about in this episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY…<br> <br> Hey Coach, check out my new <a href="https://www.lineleoff.com/masterclass/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">100k DNA Masterclass</a>, for coaches who are tired of NOT making money because of their inner glass ceiling, a.k.a., Self Sabotage. It’s always working to knock you back down, no matter how hard you try to climb your way up.<br> [blank_space height=’3em’]<br>