Ep #64: How This Coach Ditched Networking And Started SELLING

 Lin Eleoff  show

Summary: <br> <a href="100kcoaches.com"></a>Priya Sonty admits she knew how to network. But getting paying clients was another story.<br> Like so many coaches, Priya found herself doing “all the things” as she worked to build her coaching business, which left her feeling dazed and confused by all the different messages out there.<br> And that’s when she met me.<br> Priya spent the last 90 days in my <a href="http://www.100kdna.com" target="_blank">100k DNA</a> Mastermind and during that time she vowed to tune out all the other noise coming at her from the internet and just concentrate on following my P.I.T.C.H. Perfect Process for consistently getting paying clients.<br> And it paid off!<br> The lawyer/school principal admits calling herself a life coach required a mindset shift – she had to Woman UP and own her life.<br> So she did.<br> Networking ≠ Selling<br> Here’s the thing about Priya; she was a natural when it came to networking and meeting people and talking about her coaching (she’s one of those people you truly enjoy talking to) but when it came to making offers and selling, she was batting near zero.<br> But as she quickly found out in 100k DNA, getting consistent paying clients wasn’t about networking, and it certainly was <a href="https://www.lineleoff.com/57-the-anti-hustle/" target="_blank">not about going to more networking events</a>, this was about something much more compelling to both her personal growth and her business growth.<br> Selling Without The Sleaze<br> So many coaches tell me they freeze up instantly at the thought of “selling.” It’s because they associate selling with sleazy slimy used-car salesmen who couldn’t care less about the cars they sell or the people they sell them to.<br> Coaches are the complete opposite of the used-car salesman stereotype. They truly care about connecting with the people they are drawn to serve. So you can imagine the delight when they discover there is a way to sign up paying clients consistently without the sleaze.<br> I’ll let Priya tell you the rest of her inspiring story of what it really takes to start making money as a coach.<br> Important links mentioned in this episode:<br> Visit Priya’s website <a href="http://www.priyasonty.com" target="_blank">HERE</a>.<br> Check out the <a href="http://100kDNA.com" target="_blank">100k DNA Mastermind </a>and learn how to sell without the sleaze — enrollment is now open.<br> <br> [blank_space height=’1em’]<br> Hey Coach, do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? <a href="http://100kDNA.com" target="_blank">100k DNA</a> is all about breaking through the inner glass ceiling that keeps you playing small. C’mon Coach, come play with the Big Girls!  <br> [blank_space height=’3em’]<br> <br> <a href="100kcoaches.com"></a>Priya Sonty admits she knew how to network. But getting paying clients was another story.<br> Like so many coaches, Priya found herself doing “all the things” as she worked to build her coaching business, which left her feeling dazed and confused by all the different messages out there.<br> And that’s when she met me.<br> Priya spent the last 90 days in my <a href="http://www.100kdna.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">100k DNA</a> Mastermind and during that time she vowed to tune out all the other noise coming at her from the internet and just concentrate on following my P.I.T.C.H. Perfect Process for consistently getting paying clients.<br> And it paid off!<br> The lawyer/school principal admits calling herself a life coach required a mindset shift – she had to Woman UP and own her life.<br> So she did.<br> Networking ≠ Selling<br> Here’s the thing about Priya; she was a natural when it came to networking and meeting people and talking about her coaching (she’s one of thos...